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ULS Honors Hon. Justice Gadenya
Hon. Justice Gadenya receiving the award from ULS President, Mr. Frank Gimara

High Court Judge, Hon. Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa, received an award from Uganda Law Society in recognition of his contributions towards fostering the rule of law in Uganda.

The award was presented to Hon. Justice Gadenya by the President Uganda Law Society (ULS), Mr. Francis Gimara, at the High Court in Kampala.

ULS is a fraternal organization that represents the collective interests of legal practitioners in Uganda.

About Hon. Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa, the 49-year-old is the outgoing Chief Registrar, a position he has held since 2014. 

He joined public service in 1995 as a Magistrate Grade One, rising to the position of Chief Magistrate of the white collar criminal court in Uganda.Between May to August 2004, he was a Visiting Professional in the Legal Advisory Section of the International Criminal Court, The Hague, Netherlands. Hon.Justice Gadenya was later assigned acting assistant registrar of the Civil Division of the High Court between 2005 to June 2007. 

In 2007, he was appointed Deputy Registrar, and served at the Civil Division of the High Court. Between July 2008 and August 2009, he served in the same capacity at the Anti-Corruption Division of the High Court. He took a break from the bench and went on to work as Senior Technical Advisor of the Justice Law and Order Sector between September 2009 and April 2014.

He has been instrumental in reforming the Judiciary into an accountable,business oriented and yet a people centric institution. In particular, he has worked on the restructuring of the Judiciary, designing a case backlog reduction strategy; reforming and rationalizing the Inspectorate of Courts;developing a schedule of duties for Registrars and Magistrates; rationalizing staff posting to the workload; opened up the Judiciary to the public through the establishment of a vibrant public relations office; leading the drafting of the 4th Strategic Investment Plan for the Judiciary; Reform of Sentencing and roll out of plea bargaining and promoting better understanding of the role of the Judiciary to the Legislature and the Executive.

Posted 9th, April 2018
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